
Discover what is animal welfare and how it is related to their emotions and conducts.

Behind every unwanted behavior, there are unmanaged emotions.

We have helped more than 1.500 dog families so far!

An animal or dog without its needs covered will always present some type of stress and lack of well-being, which will be reflected in its behavior.

That’s why animal welfare is so important in the behavior.

Yeah but…Who r we?..

We are a family of animal welfare specialists, ethologists, alternative therapists and vets with special enfasis on animal-human connection. We have all grown up surrounded by animals and have dedicated our life to study them and to speak for them.

Our goal is to help all owners to understand their animals and so, create a better connection and ambiance at home.

The girls have helped me understand my baby and educate myself in order to give her a better life. Without a doubt Killa has had a greater life after all the courses and ebooks the girls had showed me.

— Javiera Brito.

My relationship with Biggie and Tupac has gotten better and better after applying all the tips the girls have shown me. Now I get better what they want and I know how to read their body language.

— Pascale Ramirez

Ask us for free!

Do you have doubts about your relation with your animal? His welfare? Conducts and emotions? Ask us by email for free and we will give you orientation and some answers within the next few days!